Basketball player self-training

Basketball player self-training
In professional and amateur sports, basketball players train under the direction and supervision of team coaches. But on top of all that, to achieve high results, an athlete must also be able to train on his or her own. Practicing and practicing on your own every day, starting when you are a youth, will allow you to achieve proficiency and become a high-class basketball player with distinctive individual qualities. You should know that no coach can produce a high level master unless the athlete himself strives every day to do so.
For example, we all know that basketball players need to improve every day from the age of puberty to be able to make accurate shots.
The skill level of basketball players who practice on their own grows quite rapidly because athletes spend more time practicing, constantly improving their individual style of execution of those or other techniques, as well as those techniques that best fit their characteristics. These actions result in the development of diverse players.
In such independent workouts, the athlete develops creative initiative. During such workouts, basketball players find new renditions of various techniques that fit their characteristics, and they also learn and rework in their own way the new techniques they have noticed from top-class players.
Such training primarily develops the player’s creative thinking. The basketball player, studying and trying a particular technique, must constantly think about how best to perform it, when and how to apply it. Such training is aimed at improving individual tactical skills.
Basketball players who train independently must constantly think about improving their skill level, their fitness, and must also always be mindful of the team in which he plays. He should be constantly interested in all things related to basketball. This is a prerequisite for achieving a high level of skill.
Existing systems of sports training, high loads, duration of games require the athlete to have a reasonable approach to the organization and conduct of independent training. The very first technical and tactical skills a basketball player should get during training under the guidance of a coach. In the future, the novice basketball player should be assisted in training, and to do this it is necessary:
- Draw up an individual plan for independent training. In this plan should specify specific exercises their duration, etc. The coach should periodically check the progress of the made plan.
- Every day to perform a certain number of free throws from the points set by the coach. Put up in a conspicuous place the table of performance of the specified results.
- give a task to improve the techniques that require improvement, be sure to specify the deadline for the task. Check the results after the deadline.
- constantly keep a record of hitting free throws, as well as points that have been specified by the coach. Upon completion of the training session, announce the results achieved.
- Arrange competitions among team members in the performance of a number of technical tricks. Try to invite spectators to such competitions. Be sure to have a score sheet and keep it filled out. At the end of the competition announce the results achieved. It will be very important that during the analysis of results it is necessary to recommend to all players means to achieve high results by themselves. Set deadlines for all players to complete tasks and results. After the deadline is over, check the performance achieved in the competition. Team players should compete on their own.
The basketball player’s independent training contains the following types of preparation:
- physical,
- technical,
- tactical,
- theoretical,
- volitional.
Physical Preparation. Just like any other athlete, a basketball player should be a well-rounded athlete. To become such an athlete you must develop such qualities as strength, agility, quickness, jumping ability and endurance.
General team training improves your general and special physical preparation. But if you play only basketball, you will not be in good physical shape. Other sports, such as athletics, should be practiced as well.
The main physical qualities for a basketball player are strength, endurance, and speed. A number of other qualities, such as agility and jumping ability are completely dependent on the development of the basic qualities. These qualities are specific to each sport. Therefore, when improving your skills one should not forget about these qualities.