Basketball as a means of physical education

Basketball as a means of physical education
Basketball as a sport game, first of all, attracts by its bright entertainment, availability of a large number of technical and tactical techniques. Highly dynamic, emotional and at the same time individualistic and cooperative, basketball, according to many experts in the field of sports, is one of the most effective factors of all-round physical development.
By the way, it is safe to say that basketball is probably the only one of the most popular sports whose date and place of origin are precisely known. About the history of the creation of this popular game is written a lot. Numerous articles and books have written truthful and fictional details about the formation of the future addiction of millions of players and fans. In a fairly short time, basketball went through a formative stage and subsequent rapid development. In the course of a few decades, it has won the hearts of many fans on all continents, which is an inexplicable phenomenon in itself.
The game consists of the players of two teams, moving around the court with or without the ball and, overcoming the resistance of the opponent, trying to throw the ball in the basket of the opponent, while not allowing him to get the ball and throw it into your basket. The winner is the team that throws the most balls into the basket of the opponent after game time.
In the system of physical education basketball has become so popular because of the affordability of the game, high emotionality, great entertainment and most importantly, the game has a beneficial effect on the human body.
The basis of basketball are simple natural movements – jumping, running, passing and shooting. These techniques are easily learned by adults and children alike. That is why basketball was included in the system of education and physical education of children, which begins in kindergarten.
During the game, each player strives to outdo his opponent with the speed of his actions, which are aimed at achieving victory. The game teaches the players to mobilize their strength and capabilities to overcome difficulties that arise during the game, to act with the maximum strain of physical and mental strength.
During the game constantly alternating movements and actions that are constantly changing in intensity and duration, and as a result they have a complex effect on the athlete’s body. Basketball contributes to the development of many physical qualities, the formation of motor skills, as well as strengthening the internal organs.
The environment during the game is constantly changing and new game situations are created all the time. Such conditions force players to constantly observe the game, develop the ability to instantly assess the position, to act quickly, resourcefully and proactively in all situations. Observing the process of the game, players develop their ability to concentrate, temporal and spatial orientation.
During the game, each player, given the changing game environment, independently determine what actions should be performed, as well as decide when and how to act. Such actions foster creative initiative in players. It should also be remembered that unlike all team sports, basketball provides an opportunity to show the individual abilities of each player, and sometimes provides an opportunity to decide the outcome of the game alone.
The rules of the game also provide for ethical behavior of athletes in relation to their opponents and referees. To regulate the relationship on the playground between the participants there are personal and technical penalties. This feature creates the conditions for friendship and camaraderie and develops a habit of athletes to subordinate their actions to the interests of the team.
The motor and informational activities of the athlete’s body are being studied. These activities are crucial in the implementation of skills in basketball. Combining such factors into a single functional system that will create conditions for high reliability of shots to the basket should create a wide outlet in the practice of training as methodological guidelines for improving sports skills, as well as for conducting tests to determine the functional readiness of players. Golomazov R.S., Kasymov S.V., Lunichkin V.G., Mozola R.S. conducted the most fundamental studies, which to some extent referred to the above aspects. Nevertheless, the dynamics and interrelation of temporal components and throwing performance are rather poorly described in the literature on this topic. The influence of information that comes from the body’s five sensory systems on the parameters of game skills and performance in their realization is also rather poorly studied. The existing pedagogical literature is actually based on the experience of advanced coaches.